Weee! is an Asian grocery delivery app that provides 24/7 shopping of 3000+ products in 11 locations around the United States.
Created by a Chinese immigrant, Weee! targets Chinese immigrant matriarchs, and is centered around deals, popularity, and exclusivity.
This redesign seeks to simplify the user experience and flow, improve content accessibility, give the redesign a fresh look, and cater to a diasporic, Asian-American, young adult community seeking to connect with their cultural heritage.
Created by a Chinese immigrant, Weee! targets Chinese immigrant matriarchs, and is centered around deals, popularity, and exclusivity.
This redesign seeks to simplify the user experience and flow, improve content accessibility, give the redesign a fresh look, and cater to a diasporic, Asian-American, young adult community seeking to connect with their cultural heritage.

Note: This prototype is for an earlier version of the redesign. If the prototype above does not work, try allowing cookies in your browser, or visiting the prototype here.